2023 Qu Yuan’s hometown Duanwu Culture Festival kicks off in Yichang

2023-06-22 19:06:37
By Tan Maolin, Yichang International Communication Studio

2023 Qu Yuan’s hometown Duanwu Culture Festival opened on Wednesday in Zigui County of Yichang, Hubei Province. This exciting event, which will continue through late July, features a variety of activities including the 2023 ICF Dragon Boat World Cup, as well as the fourth Qu Yuan Poetry Awards Ceremony & Dragon Boat Festival poetry reading.

Qu, a Chinese poet and politician during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), was born in Zigui. He is known for his contributions to classical poetry and verses as well as his supposed connection to the origin of Duanwu – also known as Dragon Boat Festival, which falls today this year.

On June 21, guests and local residents recited Qu Yuan's work "Li Sao" at the opening ceremony.

On June 21, the youth representatives read Ode to Qu Yuan at the opening ceremony.

The actor recited excerpts from the poem Li Sao by Qu Yuan at the opening ceremony on June 21.

The dance "Qu Yuan" at the opening ceremony on June 21.

The dance Ju Song, also named Ode to An Orange Tree at the opening ceremony on June 21.

The opening ceremony on June 21.

On June 21, dragon boat teams from home and abroad participated in the 2023 ICF Dragon Boat World Cup preliminaries at Xujiachong Harbor in Zigui County of Yichang.

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