Mo Hongyuan: a protector of Yangtze’s finless porpoises

2022-12-08 19:12:54
By Shen Yuan, Yichang International Communication Studio

Once entangled in a rope, a Yangtze finless porpoise can’t escape. After receiving a distress call, Mo Hongyuan rushed to the scene, cut the rope, and sent the once trapped animal back home.

Having handled 39 illegal fishing cases and seizing a total of 347 kilograms of catch since 2018, Mo Hongyuan had earned himself the nickname “protector of Yangtze finless porpoises.”

Mo first saw this animal during a scientific investigation while working in the Yichang Fishery Administration Department ten years ago.

“It’s very close to me. Its naive appearance interests me, and its unique smile is particularly unforgettable,” Mo said.

After that experience, Mo began to study their living habits and migration routes, eventually becoming a “finless porpoise expert.”

Mo participates in the Yangtze finless porpoise protection alongside 6 retired fishermen at the Yichang finless porpoise assisted patrol demonstration site, established in July 2018.

“It’s rare for people to see finless porpoises often in a bustling city,” said Mo.
A finless porpoise rescue on February 9. Photo by Yang He.
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