Magical “water mist” effect on the Yichang section of the Yangtze River

2022-12-05 08:12:32
In the first days of December, a cold front created a magical “water mist” effect on the Yichang section of the Yangtze River. The early morning of sunny days is the best time to enjoy this fairyland spectacle!

The “water mist” forms because of the temperature difference between the cold air and the warmer river surface. The vapor from the warm river is rapidly cooled, turning it into visible water droplets. The same thing happens when you breathe out warm air from your body into the air on a frosty morning.

According to the local meteorological authorities, the temperature in Yichang dipped below 0 degrees Celsius in the past few days.

Photographers and nature lovers are enjoying the spectacle!


Photo/ Liu Kun

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