Nurse saves neighbor during heart attack

2022-11-23 22:11:05

By Chen Si, Yichang International Communication Studio

“Help! My mom is sick!” The cry for help startled Zhu Dan, a nurse who just returned to her home in Yichang for the weekend.

Zhu rushed next door, finding her neighbor, Deng Dalan, 66, unconscious in a cold sweat with a pale face.

After checking Deng’s condition, Zhu immediately conducted CPR. After more than 30 compressions, Deng recovered consciousness.

What Deng suffered from might have been myocardial infarction (MI), colloquially known as a heart attack, and a life-threatening emergency, according to Zhu. Time is critical in treating an MI, and a delay of even 4 to 6 minutes could result in death.

Deng’s family expressed their gratitude for Zhu’s help, while the young nurse said that every medical worker would do the same when faced with such an emergency.

Zhu, a nurse in Wujia District, Yichang Three Gorges Central People's Hospital, is currently studying in Wuhan.

Zhang Xinfa    Deng Dlan    Zhang Dongmei

Zhu Dan

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