Yiling initiates new ecological education model

2022-11-22 20:11:19
By Wu Zongfang, Yichang International Communication Studio

Yichang City’s Yiling District is exploring a new “1+6>N”ecological education model, in order to establish themselves as a leading district for the Yangtze River protection and green city initiative, according to Zhang Jianhua, the local Education Bureau Director.

The “1+6>N”model consists of promoting ecological protection awareness among children while also encouraging them to pass on that knowledge to their two parents and four grandparents, thus influencing the society as a whole to embrace an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Last Monday, a Yiling resident Chen Yihai collected and mashed fruit peels from his home into a container. Together with a certain ratio of brown sugar and water, he was able to create a homemade enzyme.

"This is what my grandson taught me to make, saying that it could be used as fertilizer to raise flowers after fermentation." Chen told reporters that his 10-year-old grandson is in the 4th grade at the Experimental Primary School in Yiling District, and that making enzymes is something his grandson learned in the ecology class at school.

The “1+6>N”model has been shown to yield fruitful results. On the one hand, awareness of environmental protection is being rooted in young minds. In 2017, Yiling District compiled an "Ecological Citizenship" reading book, which has since become a compulsory course for 67,000 students in local primary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens. In addition, various extracurricular activities have been held to promote skills of ecological conservation among the children.

Liu Yuanlu, the "Environmental Protection Star" of East Lake Junior High School, has led 50 students of his class to become skilled at making enzymes.

On the other hand, a child with relevant knowledge learned in class has a direct influence on his or her parents and grandparents so that ecological awareness could be extended to entire families and society as a whole.

Until now, the district's 67,000 young children and teenagers have promoted ecological awareness to roughly 390,000 citizens, who have become a major force in ecological practice by participating and organizing related activities.

What’s more, enterprises are encouraged to join in on the initiative to take a more ecologically responsible stance by implementing green development concepts in their operations and striving to become more resource-conscious and environmentally-friendly businesses. Enterprises such as Hongyu Packaging Materials and Xianglin Technology have quickly joined the green development drive, and become education bases for ecological and environmental protection practices.

By 2025, Yiling aims to become a model for national eco-citizenship educational practices and green cities. They hope to have all campuses certified as “green campuses” and all students certified as “ecological citizens”. 
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