Yichang features on wildlife list

2023-12-27 19:12:00
By Chen Si, Yichang International Communication Studio

Yichang has claimed four spots on China's recently released list of 789 key habitat sites for terrestrial wildlife.

Yichang’s four sites are Dalaoling National Nature Reserve, Wufeng Houhe National Nature Reserve, Xingshan Wanchaoshan Nature Reserve and Yuan'an Juhe Wetland.

The list – which aims to boost efforts to preserve wildlife habitats and endangered species – spans 31 provinces and regions and covers 565 species of nationally protected wildlife.

Daolaoling National Nature Reserve: A Wildlife Haven in Yiling District

Nestled in the mountains on the north bank of Xiling Gorge, Daolaoling National Nature Reserve in Yiling District hosts a diverse array of wildlife, including Class I protected animals such as leopards, eastern imperial eagles, golden eagles and musk deer. It is a crucial migration route for birds in central China.

Houhe National Nature Reserve: Safeguarding Subtropical Biodiversity

Situated in the south-central part of Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Houhe National Nature Reserve preserves the mid-subtropical forest ecosystem, playing a vital role in protecting endangered species such as leopards and hairy-fronted muntjacs.

Wanchaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve: Rich Diversity in Xingshan's West

Located in the western part of Xingshan County, Wanchaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve boasts 392 species of wild vertebrates, including 59 nationally protected species such as musk deer and giant salamanders. This reserve is a sanctuary for endemic and rare species in central China.

Yuan'an Juhe Wetland: Yichang's Sole Nationally Important Wetland

Yuan'an Juhe Wetland has documented over 60 wildlife species. Among its remarkable inhabitants are the Chinese Merganser, the small Indian civet, and yellow-breasted buntings.
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