Xue Zhiqian's concert boosts Yichang tourism revenue by more than 200 million yuan

2023-08-10 18:08:51
By Ma Yuhan, Yichang International Communication Studio

Xue Zhiqian, a famous Chinese singer, recently held a concert in Yichang bringing in over 200 million yuan (US$27.74 million) in local tourism revenue, according to the Yichang Culture and Tourism Bureau.

Xue Zhiqian's performed two nights at the Yichang Olympic Center on August 5 and 6.

The concert attracted over 70,000 people to Yichang, generating over 228 million yuan for the city outside of ticket sales, according to the executing company and third-party agencies.

Video by Li Aoquan, Jin Rui

The hotel bookings in Yichang increased dramatically during the days Xue performed. From August 4 to 7, the occupancy rate of star-rated hotels across the city increased by an average of 50 percent compared to the previous weekend.

Meanwhile, the number of tourists in surrounding scenic spots increased dramatically by around 50 percent.

Compared with the same period last year, the Xiaofeng Tourist Area received an increase of about 39 percent visitors. In addition, a total of 7,646 free sightseeing bus tickets were exchanged with Xue Zhiqian's concert ticket holders.

The Yichang government issued 6 million cultural and tourism consumption vouchers encouraging audiences to stay and travel through the city.

During the concert, 300 special bus lines were established to provide a free shuttle service for the audience to and from the Olympic Center. 25 scenic spots offered free or half-price admission, and 103 restaurants and 33 hotels provided special benefits for concertgoers.

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